Naka’s video to narrate everybody’s momentary history

The band Naka has started making a video based on one of their favorite songs – “Daroga” (Road).

The video is being directed by Yury Stajunicau, the man who never likes talking about work. Perhaps, that’s why very few know him, indeed.

The video casts the band and their great friend, photographer Daniil Parnjuk, who plays himself. To be more exact, the band participants also play themselves. The plotline is that Danila is taking pictures of Naka band.

The photographer proposed the idea when he saw the band’s singer Nascja when she was 8-months pregnant. The bottom-line is: pregnancy is such an extraordinary condition, which concentrates the past, the present and the future.

According to the plot, Nascja is on her way into the future, and her condition coincides with the idea of the song “Daroga”.

The band finished the first part of the video in September, when Nascja’s photo session with Danila was filmed. Last week, the team concluded the second part of the clip with Nascja appearing in a new quality – a true mommy who continues her singing career. The idea is that the whole band also continues its way towards their aim.

According to Yury, the video narrates “a momentary history of each of us”.

The video is expected to be finished within the next two weeks and will be put out on TV in April. The band also plans to make another video after their song “Star Factory”.

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