Movie "Belarusian Dream" presented in Minsk (video)

The television movie "Belarusian Dream" was presented on November 6 in the art-gallery "Ў". The movie was directed by journalist Katsya Kibalchich in the format of Russian documentary TV-movies. It depicts about pre-conditions and events of December 19, about the hopes and consequences of that day. However, first of all the "Belarusian Dream" is dedicated to Belarusians - peaceful people whose hearts are naively given to the promises of the better life.

10 years ago we studied together with Katsya Kibalchich at the same course of the faculty of journalism in the Belarusian State University. It was her report which opened the first "Our News", the program that put a beginning to the ANT TV-Channel. I did not even dream of working on TV or radio then, and I envied her a bit. I envy her now - I would like to direct such a movie. About Belarusians, about Minsk, about dictatorship and freedom, about her and about myself.

The first shots of the movie show Minsk - the Soviet and the Belarusian city. "Not a city, but scenery for a movie the shootings of which have long been over". We meet the main character - a 35-year-old Minsker, who basically tells us about Katsya Kibalchich's own way to the December 19. I saw her in the Independence square that night. Riot policemen and plain-clothed agents pushed and forced her off the House of government together with other people. Katsya took most shots for the movie herself.  

That is why the "Belarusian Dream"  is not just a documentary movie. This is the testimony of a person who was in the epicenter of the events and saw everything with her own eyes. Probably, this interfered with the work a little - it is hard to rise above something which you were a part of for the last year, or 17 years, or 25 years… "On the whole, the good thing about this movie is that nothing is said directly, apart from the things which cannot help being said directly", — shared his opinion about the movie Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu. However, I think this is another revelation of sincerity from Katsya Kibalchich.

A wide range of opinions is declared in the movie. There are also people who support the policy of the Belarusian authorities. There are no absolutely good or bad characters. "It doesn't matter what I think of these [European] politicians", — says the character of the movie.

He continues: "I am grateful to them nevertheless. As the happiest time that happened in our stable state for the last 18 years was Autumn 2010".

Electoral campaign, December 19, trials, prisoners, releases, parade, terrorist attack, empty shelves of the shops... "This is the movie which shows us from the inside, the Belarusian mentality as it is. The unexplainable thing why we live under Lukashenka's reign for 17 years", — says the former political prisoner Mikita Likhavid who was one of the first people who watched the "Belarusian Dream".

Besides, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu with his wife, Andrej Dzmitryeu and Ales Lahvinets came to see the movie to the art gallery "Ў". Andrej Kurejchyk presented it.

The "Belarusian Dream" will be presented in Moscow, Berlin and Warsaw in the near future. The authors are about to publish it on CDs to make it available for bigger audience.
