Minsker severely beaten for hoisting national flag on balcony

The man was at home on February 8 when strangers rang the bell. They said that they were communal services workers. In reality, they were policemen. They did not introduce themselves and ordered Sharshun to remove the white-red-white flag hoisted on his balcony, Viasna reports. It was an unregistered symbol, they claimed.

The Minsker refused to do it and tried to close the door. The policemen dragged him out of his flat and started beating. Sharshun was delivered to Minsk Central District Department of the Interior in handcuffs. He stayed there until night and no one explained him the reason for the detention. The man was taken to Minina Street for an alcohol test in the evening. Then he was brought back to the Central District Department of the Interior. He felt bad there and they had to call an ambulance for him.

Sharshun received a report of his detention before leaving for hospital. He was accused of disobedience to an official and of insulting an official on duty.

Victar Sharshun is waiting for the court to consider his case. He has also lodged a complaint to Minsk Central District Public Prosecutor's Office.

Photo: udf.by