Lukashenka to form efficient government by 2015 (video)

Alyaksandr Lukashenka mentioned the necessity of getting new governmental staff at the meeting dedicated to the economic development and prospects on Tuesday.

Lukashenka: "I need to form an efficient government by 2015. I am not saying that everyone should be dismissed. Maybe your government is able to fight too…”

The President criticized the government for failing to reach the planned goals ‘in the main fields’. “We have done worse than we promised to”, PM Mihail Myasnikovich admitted. Trust in the government is the main topic on the agenda, Alyaksandr Lukashenka stressed. “Having failed this year, you cannot guarantee to succeed next year,” he said.

Thus, the government is going to be changed this year. It is not clear whether Mihail Myasnikovcih will stay in his position.
