Lawyer Sidarenka: I don't know official reasons for revoke of my license

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Euroradio: How did you know that your licence had been revoked?

Tamara Sidarenka: “My licence has been suspended since August 16. However, this is not the final decision. The licence has been suspended by the decision of the qualification commission of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus. My boss - head of the city collegium of lawyers - has been informed about this yesterday. The it has become known to me. It is unclear why they say that they should replace me by other lawyers in my cases. Explaining the law - a qualification commission provides their conclusion, which should be approved by the Ministry of Justice, which should take the final decision. Today I have clarified the situation and found out that this is not the final decision, it is up to the Ministry to decide on that. I haven't gone through attestation as they told me on August 17 - the attestation day - that I don't have to do this as the licence is suspended. It is complicated, but the point is - the issue is being decided now." 

Euroradio: What are the official reasons for revoke of your licence?

Tamara Sidarenka: “I don't know the official reason, they have not told me anything so today I filed an application in order to try to find something out. Non-officially, I can imagine why, but I don't know the official reason yet”.

Euroradio: Which results do you hope for and what are you planning to do next?

Tamara Sidarenka: “It is still an open issue, the Ministry of Justice will take the final decision. Formally, I can only provide such arguments as my 33-years flawless lawyer's experience, an honourable award of the Ministry of Justice, given to me last December, an award of the Republican Collegium of Lawyers, and some more awards for the attested period, for the last 4-5 years. However, if the Ministry of Justice takes the decision to revoke my licence, I will have no right to work as a lawyer. I will have to look for employment then".