Kalyakin: Statkevich may be released by October 11

Political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich may be released before the presidential election appointed for October 11, leader of the Belarusian party of he left Fair World Syarhei Kalyakin thinks. However, it is not connected with the fact that a group that is going to support Statkevich at the election is being created now. The authorities want to legitimize the election and the existence of political prisoners is an obstacle to it, BelaPAN quotes Kalyakin.

The creation of Statkevich’s initiative group is senseless because it will not be possible to register it, Syarhei Kalyakin believes. “This is a virtual event,” he said.

Ex-presidential candidate Mikalai Stakevich has been imprisoned since December 2010. He was imprisoned for 6 years for the events of the Square.

Photo: ByMedia.net