Indiga musicians not cast in their first video

It is good news for the fans of Indiga, as the Belarusian band has begun working on their first video clip.

Surprisingly, it was the idea of the Moscow-based designer and photo artist Alexander Volkov, who proposed to make a video after the band’s song “Ljotac” (Flying). According to the band’s singer Rusja, “this is one of the most successful new songs”. It is based on “a true story which is rich with intimate things”. Listeners will definitely enjoy it, she said.

The clip director has picked an unusual form of video reflection. No musicians or the currently trendy animation will be displayed. Instead, puppets, made by the designer himself, will play.

Alexander Volkov regularly sends the photos of what he has already produced, so the band participants are already aware of what their characters look like. According to Rusja, it is a very interesting experiment, because they have totally given themselves up to Alexander and his feelings and taste.

For those who do not know yet, the Belarus-born video director Alexander Volkov currently works in Moscow, but he often comes to Minsk.

He says he has a lot of friends and inspiration here. When asked why he got interested in Indiga, he said that he saw this band as “currently one of the headliners of the Belarusian music”. “What they do is a true talent multiplied at professionalism,” Volkov said.

Alexander Volkov graduated from the department of arts, design and architecture in the UK and attended numerous international master classes in photo art. He also worked as a photo correspondent for The Guardian. When studying in Britain, he photographed the Oasis band.

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