Homel officials criminal case passed to public prosecutor's office

Final charges have been presented to the former Chairman, the director, the deputy director and two heads of departments of the Homel city executive committee. The investigation has learnt that they illegally distributed apartments in new residential buildings among their relatives and friends back in 2011. Part of the accommodation facilities were executed in the name of third parties.

BELTA notes that the price for these apartment was much lower than the market one. The apartments should have been allocated to the citizens whose houses went for demolition. The apartments were returned to the state already.

The group of officials caused Br 3 billion 800 million (more than $ 400 K) loss to the budget. They are charged under the article " Abuse of power or official authorizations, committed by the officials, including those who work at a responsible position, lucratively inclined, which caused serious damage to the legal interests of the citizens, state and public interests."

Photo - bymedia.net