Haidukevich: 100 thousand signatures collected in 5 days and now – goodbye!

A participant of the presidential elections in 2001 (2.48%) and 2006 (3.5%), the leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party Syarhei Haidukevich has stopped the work of his initiative group. The politician sent the corresponding information to the Central Election Commission on the morning of October 8.

ERB: Why have you withdrawn your candidature? What has happened?

Syarhei Haidukevich: We have collected 100 thousand signatures this morning. And now I can tell you… 100 thousand 150 signatures in 5 days: we handed out certificates only on Sunday.

ERB: So why withdraw you candidature?

Syarhei Haidukevich: My goal during this campaign was to show to our party members - to these dozens of thousands people - what was people’s attitude to our party. We have understood that people’s attitude to us is splendid. We can collect signatures instantly! However, we considered it all and the candidate also considered the issue and we have decided that our party should better not take part in it. We would like to be spectators at this show.

ERB: Who should the electors who could support you at the elections vote for?

Syarhei Haidukevich: No! It will not happen to me! That’s me and people from my party will only vote for me. I cannot answer for a million people but I have taken a decision. I will remain in sight. I do not need advertising or taking part in pickets. I have just collected 100 thousand signatures in 5 days and I can say goodbye now!
ERB: It turns out that the Belarusian elections have been deprived of 100 thousand voters or even more?

Syarhei Haidukevich: I do not care about it. I am not taking part in this show. I’m a spectator and that’s easier… I have shown myself to everyone. To you too. But you are right: you may count how many signatures I could have got by October 28… Count yourself. Even if the process had slowed down. However, as an experienced presidential contender I know that the numbers just keep growing with time. You get loads of signatures at the end! I know it because of the previous elections. However, I did not have such an initiative group back then.

ERB: You initiative group was bigger that the President’s…

Syarhei Haidukevich: 10 thousand 500 people! No matter how many times they checked it and they found only 40 people out of 10 thousands! Thank God, they cleared it a bit. They were people who had residence permits and were not citizens. Okay! We think we have done the right thing. This is our strong opinion.

ERB: Do presidential ambitions mean nothing to you anymore? Literally, you promised “to butt” Lukashenka in an equal struggle two weeks ago in an interview with ERB…

Syarhei Haidukevich: We are thinking about the future, but I will not tell you now… I am a strategist. We have preserved our party’s great potential. We have not wasted our resources. We are thinking about the future. Clever people will understand us.

ERB: But power is the goal of any political party…

Syarhei Haidukevich: The aim of any political party is to get a strategic result. We think we had to do so to reach it. The future is ours!

See also:

Haidukevich: I am 100% sure the opposition will side with Lukashenka to oppose to me!