“Envelopes for Dreams” from DetiDetey

Nine months after starting up the band, DetiDetey (Children’s Children) have released their first CD. On March 6 they staged an official presentation of the album titled simply and somewhat childishly “The Envelopes for Dreams”.

The Minsk Concert Hall could not accommodate all of the band’s fans. It is no wonder, as the band occupied the niche that had been empty in the showbiz industry in this country.

The secret is that the band comprises only drama actors, which make their shows look like theater performances. Can you recall a band that has played 14 songs over two and a half hours and none from the audience would even go to the toilet.

The lead singer Ania Khitryk, who also stars at the Kupala Drama Theater, looked like a joyful and happy little girl between the numbers. But she would change immediately after the first sounds of the music, entering her role completely. She cried tears twice during the show, and you could it was real; she was deeply experiencing the lyrics.

Initially, I thought that the musicians simple had a cheerful game with the audience. But later I was convinced that the musicians were big children in their real life. Therefore, I can boldly call DetiDetey an absolutely non-commercial project with a great future ahead of them.

Try to recall a Belarusian band, which tries to have their listeners get to know each other and to remove barriers between the hall and the stage. There was a postcard with one word pinned to every seat in the hall. So, when the whole row collects all of the postcards, they can read an interesting statement.

During the show, the spectaculars could pass their notes with thanks or questions onto the stage, where Ania and her fellow musicians could respond to them in a joyful and funny way.

DetiDetey plan more concerts. Besides, they are to release their first video in late March. They also have enough records for a new album.

I was so much impressed with the show. When I later listened to their CD, you could automatically recall exactly what was taking place on the stage.