DaVinci have enough cash to survive summer after Italy tour

The Belarus’s trio DaVinci has recently returned home from a week-long tour in Italy.

We asked the band’s frontman Dzianis Dudzinski about his impressions and details if everything went well.

“This was our first tour of this scale in the history of our band. First of all, we gained experience, not to mention the money that we made. I will have enough cash to live through the summer quietly. Besides, we had fun. We spent seven days there and had two big performances. It was some sort of a mixture, with some popular Italian artistes performing together with us.

Besides, we had two shows in clubs. Those were solo performances, 40 minutes-long each. I can say that compared to the Italian bands we were treated equally by the organizers. We had similar make-up rooms, the same refreshments and towels, soft or alcohol drinks…Moreover, we were told that we were paid almost the same as the Italian musicians,” Dzianis said.

It is clear about the tour organizers – they just make money. But we asked Dzianis how DaVinci was received by the Italian public and whether they could figure his foreign accents (the band sings in Italian).

“Definitely! One can easily notice the differences of how a foreigner builds a sentence from how Italian poets write. Italy is a rather closed country in the cultural sense. That’s why when you come there, singing their language and playing their music, they tell you that you are cool and that they love you! Moreover, if you have “hop-hop-hop” elements in your music, they are even ready to give you many hugs.

By the way, we liked that the public applauded little to some of the Italian artistes and even whistled at some of them. To us, they applauded actively. The people were dancing, and the girls would jump on their boyfriends’ shoulders,” he said.

The tour was proposed and organized by Antonio Danini, the Italian producer that in the past promoted such artistes as Eiffel 65 and Biaggio Antonacci. That’s why apart from the concerts, the Belarusian artistes also had meetings with the representatives of Sony BMG, Universal and Warner labels. We asked Dzianis how those negotiations went and whether we could talk about certain results.

“Contracts do not get signed just like that. It takes time for them to examine you and talk to you... By the way, it was the major reason for us to go there. We did not exactly know about any concerts, but we had appointments scheduled and confirmed. We talked about different things. For example, they would listen to a song of ours and then ask why we did something this way here and this way there. It is a very slow process. It is a question of not even a year,” Dzianis continues.

But the things still look bright! The artistes have already been invited to Italy to make solo performances in August and September. Besides, during the tour, they came up with many new musical arrangements and new songs. After a short break, Dzianis Dudzinski, Leanid Shyryn and Dana will get back to the implementation of their “Italian idea”.