Dashkevich and Sieviarynets get new lawyers

A lawyer Marianna Semeshka will defend Zmitser Dashkevich from now on. She has a lot of experience in defending political prisoners,the "Young Front" press-center informs.

The BCD leader Paval Sieviarynets also has a new lawyer – Vadzim Mushynski, who also defended the journalist Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

Let us remind you, a famous lawyer Pavel Sapelka, who was supposed to defend Zmitser Dashkevich, Paval Sieviarynets and Andrej Sannikau in court, was expelled from the Minsk City Collegium of Lawyers on March 3. Pavel Sapelka cannot work as a lawyer now, as the Belarusian legislation prescribes such activity only within special collegiums.