Belarusian paratroopers land on ice floe in Arctic Ocean

On April 7, paratroopers successful landed on the ice floe drifting in the Arctic Ocean. As reported by RIA Novosti, Belarusians were joined by Ivanovo and Pskov paratroopers from the Russian Airborne Troops. The mass landing was performed together with units of the Collective Rapid Reaction Force of the states members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. 

As reported by the Euroradio, the Belarusian military which participated in the operation were trained at the 76th Airborne Assault Division in Pskov. The group that landed on the ice floe included 85 Russians, 13 Belarusians and 2 Tajiks. Until now, the Belarusian military did not participate in such operations.

It is noted that the soldiers landed at very low temperatures, together with cargo containers weighing 30 to 50 kg, which had everything necessary for life support in arctic conditions. They are building an ice camp.
