Belarus-U.S. investment forum to open in New York

Belarus has not come to the forum empty-handed, Belarusian PM Mihail Myasnikvcih claimed. “We have important arguments in favour of activating cooperation with American companies and banks. We do need to be active in the local financial markets. Unfortunately, the markets are not being used enough at the moment and we will discuss it,” BELTA quotes Myasnikovich.

Belarus expects to activate trade and economic cooperation with the USA after this forum. The forum will be organised as a discussion.  Anyone will be able to ask questions to representatives of the state bodies participating in the forum.

The forum will be divided into three blocks. The issues of the investment climate in Belarus, national investment projects and possibilities of cooperation in priority sectors will be discussed in the first block. The second block will be dedicated to the IT sphere and science. The third block will cover trade and economic issues and advantages of cooperation with Belarus after the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Single Economic Space. The activities of the Belarusian-American council of business cooperation will also be discussed.