Ambassador Surikov: Russia annexed Crimea according to international norms

The Russian Ambassador to Minsk made the statement at a press conference on March 27.

The USA and EU consider Russia’s actions to be wrong and violating the internationals standards, he said. “However, as Lukashenka said, Crimea is de facto a subject of the Russian Federation. The same can be said about Sevastopol,” Russian Ambassador Alexander Surikov said.

He mentioned the Crimean referendum. The referendum was not conducted or initiated by Russia, the diplomat stressed. “The whole world needs to understand that running counter to the interests of Crimea and Sevastopol after they became subjects of the Russian  Federation is an attempt to violate Russia’s sovereignty,” Surikov claimed.  

Russia is grateful to Lukashenka for his statements, he noted. The Belarusian President claimed on March 23: “Crimea is part of Russia now. Recognize it or not, it will not change anything.”
