About 1.5 thousand people celebrate Maslenitsa in Father Frost’s manour

The national holiday of saying good-buy to winter “Maslenitsa” is being celebrated in Father Frost’s manour in Belavezha on February 28.
More than 1.5 thousand people are participating in it. Among them are Belarusians, guests from Russia and representatives of the Lithuanian Embassy.

The festival is organized in five stages. There are concerts, entertainment programmes, and an exposition of handicraft. A master class of wood engraving is being held; pancake cafes and tea-rooms are open too.

The main part of the holiday is the event of “12 months” when the God of winter Zyuzya transfers his rights to the Goddess of spring Lyalya and the Winter’s scarecrow is burnt.

People will also say good-buy to Snow Maiden and Mother Winter who will leave Father Frost’s manour till December.

About 60 thousand people have already visited the National Park “Belavezha” this year and 270 thousands did it in 2008.