Victor Yanukovych leaves 'revolutionary' Ukraine (video)

"Although our internal situation, as they say, is not very favourable for foreign visits, but if I cancel this visit our economy will suffer," Victor Yanukovych said in an interview to Ukrainian TV journalists.

It has been informed that this visit is extremely important for Ukraine as its agenda includes signing of numerous documents, also those that concern investments.

Meanwhile, mass protest actions of the European integration supporters continue in Ukraine. They started when the Ukrainian government postponed signing of the Association Agreement with the EU on the eve of the Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius. On the night on November 30 riot police brutally dispersed the 'euromaidan' in the center of Kyiv. In response to that, over 500 thousand people came out to Kyiv streets on Sunday, December 1, and the tent camp was restored in the Independence Square.

Victor Yanukovych condemned overuse of power by the police, and urged the protesters 'to work, not to fight.'

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