Valery Karbalevich: They did not register those who could cause problems

120824 Karbalevich s.mp3

Euroradio: Do you see any system in the selection of persons admitted to the next stage of the campaign?

Valery Karbalevich: First of all, I think that local authorities play a very significant role. That is, each region a specific task, for example, to ensure that previously defined reliable people are elected to the House of Representatives, and that it all looked decent from the outside. Each executive committee solves this task on its own. This partly explains such a motley situation.

The second point, I think that for well-known people the decision was made at the highest level. The following kind of logic works here: the candidates who are going to withdraw, for example, Lyabedzka, Margolin, Yanukevich, Kastusyou - they were registered as they will disappear anyway. As a result, they will not cause great trouble when it comes to counting of votes. A candidate who promised to go to the end, like Milinkevich or Pashkevich - they were taken off, as they could be a headache for the local vertical and the election commissions. The same applies to any conscious people – Yauhen Kryzhanouski, Kryzhanovsky Dr. Hadorkin - they are too popular, and could create a headache for as well. To avoid that, they expelled them in advance.

Euroradio: What about the persons who are going to withdraw their candidacy, are they also going to campaign for the boycott?

Valery Karbalevich: I think that the government will try to neutralize this pro-boycott campaigning. If this is going to be said during TV or radio speeches, perhaps it will be cut. The campaign for the boycott will be strongly suppresses and this is being done already.
