Tunisian museum attack: militants killed, hostages released (video)

The hostages taken by the militants have been released during a special operation conducted by Tunisian SWAT teams. Two militants and one policeman have been killed, BBC reports.

A group of militants rushed into the museum situated next to the Tunisian Parliament. They took hostages and killed a few visitors. There were no Belarusian citizens among the killed tourists, the Belarusian MFA reports.

Eight wounded tourists were taken to hospital, Le Monde reports. There were Italians among the hostages, the Italian MFA confirmed.

The terrorists were armed with Kalashnikovs, the Tunisian MIA reports. They opened fire in the museum. There were hundreds of people in the museum at the moment of the attack. Most of them were evacuate by SWAT teams.

17 foreign tourists were killed, Tunisian PM Habib Essid informed. There were Poles, Germans, Spaniards and Italians among them, RBK reports. On the whole, 19 people died in the attack. 22 people including two Tunisians were wounded.
