Rymasheuski: Milinkevich may be considered official opposition

Let us remind you, the state leader said that it was necessary to check some opposition leaders in connection with the metro terrorist act. He also said there might be opposition in the country, but the existence of the "fifth column" should be prevented.

Vital Rymasheuski thinks that this new wave of repressions may be even worse than the one after December 19.

Rymasheuski: “If this terrorist act becomes the reason for increase of repressions, for tightening the grasp, for demolishing of political opponents, then the Belarusian authorities will find it hard to justify themselves and to prove that they are not connected with this crime. Every politician should feel responsibility for what he says or does. Our country's political destiny in the future depends on the official authorities' next actions. The most horrible variant is the course for repressions with the terrorist act as a ground”.

It is easy to notice that the state leader is trying to divide the opposition. Does it mean that a sort of "official opposition" will be formed? Presented by, for example, Anatol Liaukovich, whose articles are published by the main official newspaper - "Soviet Byelorussia" - willingly.

Rymasheuski: "Why Liaukovich? I think it will be Aliaksandr Milinkevich, why are you so discreet? Liaukovich is not a noticeable political figure, the authorities do not need him in today's situation. Artificial opposition's existence makes sense only if this artificial opposition is legalized by the West, has some authority in the eyes of the West and has a right to speak on behalf of the Belarusian people".

In Rymasheuski's opinion, Lukashenka's statements about the opposition were totally predictable in this situation.

Rymasheuski: “Nothing unexpected happened - such statements of Lukashenka after the terrorist attack could have been predicted. Political forces should be united, we need to defend one another and struggle for those who suffer from harassment after December 19. This event may both deepen the split in the Belarusian society and vice versa".

Rymasheuski claims that the April 11 terrorist act may become the reason for the politicians to change their position and to become more responsible. He does not exclude that this terrorist act may be the reason to try to find understanding even with the official Belarusian authorities.

Photo: photo.bymedia.net