Mandatory subscription for state-run publications in Belarus


Medical university graduate Nasta is working according to her assignment now. She must subscribe to Medical Bulletin every 6 months.

She may lose her bonus is she refuses to do it.

Nasta: "Subscription to Medical Bulletin is obligatory. It cost me 100 thousands last time."

Being a young specialist, Nasta gets a bit more than 2 millions a month. She could have spent the 100 thousands for two dinners in a cafe.

School teacher Yulya subscribes to Belarusian Thought and Teacher's Newspaper.

“There is a list of obligatory editions. Every teacher must subscribe to some publication. They make lists of subscribers. However, some people refuse," said the girl.

It means that you can refuse!

Even private companies have to subscribe to state-run publications.  Minsk City Executive Committee "recommends" that supermarket "Baikal" should subscribe to Belarus Today and Republic.

Railwaymen also have to subscribe to Belarusian Railwayman but some of them refuse to do it.

Even municipal economies are made to subscribe to about a dozen state-run publications.

Thankfully, at least  street cleaners do not have to subscribe to any editions.