Poles do not let Belarusian pesticides into Germany

According to Gazeta Slonimskaya, hundreds tons of pesticides were stored in the local dumping for more than 40 years. As time passed, they leaked into the earth waters.

The works on extracting the pesticides out of the dumping started in the beginning of 2011. 950 tons of dangerous substances were taken away to Germany for half a year. The World Bank provided 500 thousand dollars for realization of this project.

In the beginning of 2012, the works were suspended because of absence of finance. The pesticides were delivered to the former grain depot, located near the village of Mizhiry, Slonim district.

Deputy Minister of Nature Resources and Environment Anatol Lis says that there is a problem with transporter. The German company Sava, which used to deal with the transportation, cannot obtain the permit for the transit of pesticides through the territory of Poland. The Poles demand additional documentation. The official assures that they will start taking the pesticides out of Slonim district in January 2013.

Photo - gs.by