Pavel Sharamet: Our courage is not limited

in a live interview with Euroradio.

The state electric communication inspectorate has added the websites and on the list of limited access. They will be inaccessible from the state institutions, informs “Nasha Niva”.


Euroradio: Why is your website under this attack?

Sharamet: “It is fairly simple. The websites “Charter97” and “Belarusian Partisan” are the most popular websites. 50 thousand unique users visit “Belarusian Partisan” every day. That is why the authorities are blocking the most popular resources. We are not so easily accessible to the Belarusian repressive organs and they are using the method of blocking access to information… Our courage is not limited by anything. It is rather symbolic that “Belarusian Partisan” got blocked on the day we launched the Belarusian version”.