Nyaklyayeu: All political prisoners will be released by autumn

Despite Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s promising sentences about a light sentence in Astana, Minsk Lenin District Court judge Lyudmila Hrachova made a different decision about the Square participants’ fate. Mikalai Statkevich was sentenced to 6 years, Dzmitry Us – to 5.5 years of imprisonment (he was arrested in the court room).

The other sentences were also strict: Alyaksandr Klaskouski was imprisoned for 5 years. All of them will serve their sentences in top security colonies. Alyaksandr Kvyatkou will be imprisoned and undergo coercive treatment for alcoholism. Alyaksandr Kvyatkevich was sentenced to 3.5 years of imprisonment and Dzmitry Bulanau – to 3 years.

The reaction of the convicts’ relatives was terrible – women cried and men could not fight back their tears and emotions. Dzmitry Us’ wife could not say a word to journalists,


and his mother Sofia Mihailauna was on her last legs.

Sofia Mihailauna: “Why has my son been imprisoned?! What for?! I’ll give you his programme, give me his programme… What for?! I am old, I have already had an infarct and that’s what I get in my old age!”

Lyudmіla Klaskouskaya left the court room with a portrait of her son – Alyaksandr Klaskouski.

Lyudmіla Klaskouskaya: “This is my son! He has three little kids! They have nothing to eat. Do only one man’s children have the right to eat and have a home?! The time will come and everything will change, we will be proud of them. Look, this is my son Alyaksandr Klaskouski who has been imprisoned today! We are weak today but we will keep struggling while we are still alive!”

Well-known Belarusian journalist and political scientist Alyaksandr Klaskouski, the convict’s father, is also sure that today’s sentences are strict.

Alyaksandr Klaskouskі: “The sentences are absolutely unfair. Everyone’s. I think that the authorities maintain their reputation in their own way. We heard how it was said through clenched teeth in Astana that they may be released. It is a cynical and far-fetched game. The first stage was show trials so that everyone would be scared and understand that they should sit tight. Then they will start a trading game with the West”.

Alena Tankachova claimed on behalf of human rights organizations that the verdicts had no legal basis.

Alena Tankachova: “According to human rights organizations, the fact of mass riots on December 19 has not been proved at any of the hearings. The sentences pronounced for “mass riots” have no legal basis and must be reconsidered. People should be realised”.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu tried to calm down Dzmitry Us before the hearing and told him that he would be sentenced to conditional imprisonment. However, the forecast was wrong. The poet left the court room silent and upset.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu: “I do not know why he (Lukashenka - Euroradio) thinks that he will be able to play his usual game with people – to break them. I think that the situation is different. It is not the same situation we witnessed in 2006. I think that harsh statements will be made. All the Ambassadors have told me that they are leaving to consult their governments. They will recommend the strictest decisions”.

He has expressed certitude in the fact that the political prisoners will be released by autumn. Alyaksandr Klaskouski also agrees with it.

Alyaksandr Klaskouski: “They will not serve the whole sentences and they will be released much earlier. It will depend on the Belarusian economy’s rate of collapsing”.

The lawyers did not give any comments; they only said that they would appeal the sentences. Alena Tankachova is also sure that it should be done.

Alena Tankachova: “Depending on the results of the other appeals, there may be a chance to appeal the sentence”.

Mikalai Statkevich’s common law wife and his lawyer started composing an appeal on the threshold of the court.

Photo by: Zmitser Lukashuk