Milder accusations for Nyaklyaeu, Rymasheuski, Fiaduta, Vazniak

Uladzimir NyaklyaeuAliaksandr FiadutaSiarhej VazniakAndrej DzmitryeuVital Rymasheuski and Anastasia Palazhanka have been accused under Article 342 of the Criminal Code (organization and preparation of actions which severely violate public order, or active participation thereof). Organization of "mass disturbances" is no longer in question. 

Human rights defender Ales Bialiatski has commented obvious and hidden motives for milder accusations against some subjects of the "Dec.19" criminal case, on air to Euroradio.

"First, the investigation had difficulties in defining these people's guilt in organization and participation in mass disturbances.

Secondly, they probably took into consideration the increasing international pressure, as well as the reaction of a certain part of the Belarusian society to what is happening with Lukashenka's opponents.

Probably, there are some other motives behind this decision, but it is difficult to make any conclusions on them now. On the whole, the authorities' actions with regard to the "mass disturbances" criminal case look a bit mixed-up and not totally clear. 

Anyway, let us not forget that there are several dozens people, named in the "Dec.19" criminal case as auused. Milder accusations for 6 of them do not change the whole picture, besides, Article 342 also prescribes a rather strict limitation, or deprivation from freedom. 

All the sentences made in this case should be considered as failure in the human rights sphere, and political repressions".