Lithuanian President receives appeal about Belarusian political prisoners

and will demand to release political prisoners.

Representatives of the international community have addressed Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė in connection with the repressions launched by the Belarusian authorities during and after the presidential election of 2010, informs LT Delfi.

The appeal is signed by 19 NGOs, funds, representatives of civil communities of Lithuania, Armenia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the USA, the Czech Republic, Canada, Slovakia, Germany and Poland.


Representatives of the international community have expressed a hope that the President will address Alyaksandr Lukashenka personally and will demand to release political prisoners  and close the criminal and administrative cases started in connection with Dec.19 events.

Lithuania has preserved strong historic bonds with Belarusians and Lithuania’s presidency in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)  is a unique opportunity to take the initiative and start an official dialogue with Belarusian institutions about the release of political prisoners, think the authors of the appeal.
