KGB doctor prepares Nyaklyaeu to court trial

The politician's wife Volha Nyaklyaeva has informed to Euroradio that the KGB doctor improved his health condition by 10 injections. The Nyaklyaeus themselves do not want to postpone the trial, wishing to get it over with as soon as possible.

Volha Nyaklyaeva: “We do not want the trial to be postponed. As for the health condition, it improved. He got 10 injections and necessary medical procedures. Therefore, the trial will start tomorrow and he (Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu - Euroradio) will be there”.

As it was informed by Euroradio before, Nyaklyaeu had had back problems recently - his radiculitis had got worse. A KGB doctor provided medical care to the ex-presidential candidate, who is under the house arrest at the moment.

According to Volha, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu is in the mood for struggle in view of he trial. The only thing is, he had no time to study the case's materials thoroughly: the investigators provided too little time for this. However, according to her, the lawyers visited him before May 3 and will come again today in order to discuss the position of the convict and the defense for the last time before the trial.

Volha is worried that the trial may take a long time, especially taking into consideration the upcoming May 9 holiday.