How creative will be presidential candidates in Belarus?

The presidential elections in Belarus might take place already this coming fall, but no campaign posters can be seen on the streets. Euroradio asked potential candidates how they were going to suprise voters. 
Vital Rymasheuski, a co-chairman of the Belarusian Chrsitian Democracy party, hopes to become the single candidate from the pro-democracy forces. Since there have been no primeries for the 'single' opposition candidate yet, he does not rush to launch his own campaign. Nevertheless, Vital Rymasheuski assured Euroradio that people should expect creativity from his team, yet he declined to reveal details. He just said: "There will be many creative solutions. But we can talk about it after the presidential campaign kicks off. I think that different from the other candidates I will stand out greatly, even with my biography".
Vital Rymahsheuski says he stands out with his age (35); he has never cooperated with Alexander Lukashenka and he has religious believes.
Ales Mikhalevich is also looking for new approaches how to reach out to voters. With elections around the corner, he will hold an on-line conference. Besides, he intends to cover literally everyone with his campign. "I plan a series of leaflets for separate target groups: teachers, medics, foresters, policemen, soldiers. Nobody has really used it in Belarus yet. I am talking about working with concrete target audiences that are easy to reach".
Alexander Milinkevich, the leader of Movement for Freedom will also use his own approach during the presidential campaign. He plans to travel a lot across the country and shake people's hands. He is also encouring his voters to help write his campaign program.
According to Milinkevich, there is no need to rush with agitation, because it is still a long way to the polls. He says his team's priority now is to build en electoral bloc.