Foreign Office: Western countries try to exercise pressure on Belarus with

Commenting on the OSCE’s initiative to create a mission to investigate Dec.19 events in Belarus, press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrei Savinyh mentioned “double standards of interpreting OSCE documents”, “the discriminating essence of the initiative” and “bloc thinking”.

Andrei Savinyh: "Some Western countries are trying out a coercive approach to Belarus and are using all the available means to involve the OSCE in this process… We have clear evidence that the current OSCE administration and the Western countries are not interested in an impartial and equitable dialogue”.

Let us remind you that our neighbour Lithuania presides in the OSCE this year.

Andrei Savinyh also stressed that the OSCE mission in Minsk had been closed down once and for all and that no negotiations about its recommencement were being conducted.