First OSCE observers arrive in Belarus

 The Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Janez Lenarčič has informed about this.

The observers will be able to present at rthe trial against Dzmitry Miadzvedz, as well as against the Russian citizens Ivan Haponau and Artsiom Breus. The court trial against them will be resumed on March 10, BelaPAN reports.

"Belarus has taken an obligation to let international observers to court trials, as a country - member of the OSCE. The observers will evaluate to which extent the trials meet the requirements of the national legislation and the norms of fair court trial, set in the OSCE documents and international agreements, which are obligatory in legal means", — the OSCE's press-center quotes Janez Lenarčič.

ODIHR experst will watch the main court trials on the mass disturbances criminal case. The Bureau will publish a report upon the results of their monitoring.