Drunk Belarusian diplomat smashes up 3 cars in Vilnius (photo + video)

Advisor of the Belarusian Ambassador in Lithuania Yaraslau Dzikhtsiyeuski, driving a "VW Jetta"  with diplomatic numbers, crashed into a Renault minibus which was parked at the roadside, and the latter, in its turn, hit a BMW. The accident happened at about 21.15 on Thursday night at the crossroads of Nauharodskaya Street and Alherdava Street, reports delfi.lt.

The police's officials claim that it was obvious that the Belarusian diplomat was absolutely drunk, but he refused to be tested on alcohol. The driver did not suffer, and there were no people in the other two cars. Yaraslau Dzikhtsiyeuski told the police that he had got very tired at work and had fallen asleep while driving.

The police could not arrest the guilty in the accident due to his diplomatic privilege.

Delfi.lt also reports that the driver of another Belarusian diplomat, who arrived to the accident site, attacked one of the Lithuanian journalists - he threatened him and prohibited to take pictures. Other journalists who worked at the site ran over to help their colleague and explained to the aggressive man that he was not in Belarus.

Photo: delfi.lt