Benches removed from two Minsk metro stations

Benches have been removed from two Minsk metro stations - "Kastrychnitskaya" and "Yakub Kolas Square" - after the terrorist act on April 11, 2011.

Head of Minsk metro Aleh Kruhlou has informed Euroradio about this.

Aleh Kruhlou:”We removed benches from two stations. This was before "Kastrychnitskaya" station opening on April 14. We removed the benches from "Kastrychnitskaya" and "Yakub Kolas Square" stations”.

Aliaksandr Lukashenka claimed there was no need for benches in metro on April 16, talking to the journalists. “Does metro serve the purpose to sit there and rest? Trains go every 2-3 minutes during rush hours. Why sitting? The crowd can be seen easily - if there are no benches, a bag or a package will be noticed at once”, — the state leader has said. It is interesting that the benches disappeared from "Kastrychnitskaya" and "Yakub Kolas Square" stations before this statement.

Aleh Kruhlou has added that the benches were prescribed by the project, thus, they were built together with the metro.

It is unknown whether the benches will be removed from other stations as well.