Belarusian pharmacists do not feel benefits of Customs Union

Having joined the Customs Union, Belarusian producers of medicines still have problems entering the Russian and Kazakhstani markets. According to the director of a pharmaceutical enterprise “Lekfarm” Iryna Padabed, new obstacles have emerged this year.

Iryna Padabed: "Russia has begun protecting its market seriously this year. They are constantly changing their legislation. Although we were ready to send the first consignments to go through a chemical check-up before, the requirements have changed. Now we have to start halfway if not from scratch”.

"Lekfarm" was founded only 4 years ago but the enterprise has already started entering foreign markets. However, this is a complicated process, said Iryna Padabed at a press conference. According to her, the registration of medications takes from 2 to 5 years in our country.

The plant produces more than 20 kinds of medications. The famous flu medicine “Arpetol” is among them. Employees of the enterprise assured that there would not be any lack of medications during the flu epidemic like it had happened the previous year.

Іryna Padabed: "The plant worked in three shifts producing “Arpetol” for 2 or 3 months a year ago, so now we have medications for 3 or 4 months in stock. We are prepared for the season and the probable epidemic outbreak will not scare us”.