Aryna Vyachorka died in Vilnius

Aryna had a brain attack in the airport in Vilnius on April 5. She stayed in coma since then, notes Radio Liberty. She would have turned 51 on April 14.

Aryna Vyachorka was one of the beginners of the Belarusian revival movement. She was a co-founder of the first Belarusian non-formal unification of the modern times "Belarusian Singing and Drama Workshop", which was active in 1980-1985, as well as of the youth association "Talaka".

Since 1993, Vyachorka revived the knight movement in Belarus. She was the founder and the head of the Belarusian Knight Club, later - the club "Great Duchy". 

Music fans know Vyachorka as a creator of the first historical music project "Great Duchy Legends"(2000–2001), the album of historical music "Ancient Land"(2005), and the series "Belarusian Musical Collection". She was also an organizer of more than 100 concerts of ancient and folk music "Great Duchy Legends", "Ancient music of Belarus and Europe" and others.

Photo: Radio Liberty