Radio Day fest: photo report

The Radio Day was celebrated in the Re:Public club on May 6! Totally different bands got together at one stage: Krama and Neuro Dubel, :B:N: and Pomidor/OFF, with a contribution of the young but recognizable Mutnaje Voka.

Hear the concert live:

Radio Day: Krama and Neuro Dubel return to their listeners

See our photo report from the Re:Public!

Yauhen Zmushka, Mutnaje Voka

Mutnaje Voka guitarist Vasil celebrates his birthday on May 6!

Zmicier Kharytanovich - drummer at Pomidor/OFF and :B:N:

Host of the event Ilya Malinouski

Alyaksandr Pamidorau

Syarhei kananovich, base player at Pomidor/OFF

Ihar Varashkevich, Krama

Syarzhuk Trukhanovich, Krama

Yuras Lyalkou from N.R.M. amd sound director Aleh Karankou


Andrei Filatau, Krama

Ales Lyutych, :B:N:

Alyaksandr Kulinkovich, Neuro Dubel

Yury Navumau, Neuro Dubel

Neuro Dubel

Uladzimir Sakhonchyk, Neuro Dubel

Vital Abramovich, Neuro Dubel