Putin to comment on Crimea in Kremlin (annexation scenario)

The Russian President will make a speech before the State Duma members, Council of the Federation, heads of the regions of the Russian Federation and representatives of the civil community. Putin will respond to the appeal of the Crimean Parliament and Sevastopol about joining Russia.

The Russian President signed the decree recognizing Crimea’s independence earlier. Almost the whole world did not recognize the results of the Crimean referendum (97% were said to have supported joining Russia). The European Union, USA and Canada imposed sanctions on a number of Russian and Crimean officials and members of the top brass.

Russian mass media described the procedure of annexation of Crimea long ago. Vladimir Putin will inform both parliamentary chambers and the government about it and consult them. Then the President will apply to the Constitutional Court and ask it to assess whether the agreement corresponds to the Constitution of the country.

 If it does, the international agreement will need to be ratified in the Duma together with the project of the federal constitutional law denoting the name, status and borders of the federative subject. If both parliamentary chambers approve the document, the Constitution of the Russian Federation will be changed and the name of one or two subjects will be added to it.

Photo: Reuters