Political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok indicted again

Political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok has been indicted again, BelaPAN reports referring to human rights defenders.

Dzyadok is still in a one-man cell in Mahilyou prison. According to the political prisoner, his main violation is wearing a gym suit in the cell. It was ‘major disobedience’, the prison administration decided.

Mikalai Dzyadok, Ihar Alinevich and Alyaksandr Frantskevich were imprisoned for malicious hooliganism and damage of property in May 2011. They were accused of attacking a number of buildings and of arsons. In particular, the anti-war action near the Ministry of Defence in 2009 and the attack on the Russian Embassy to Minsk with Molotov cocktails in 2010 were meant.

The sentence was politically motivated, human rights activists believe. Dzyadok was announced a political prisoner. The young man was supposed to be released on March 3, 2015 (after 4.5 years of imprisonment). However, his term may be prolonged for one more year now.