Pavel Vinahradau’s preventive supervision officially ends

Прэвентыўны нагляд у дачыненні Паўла Вінаградава афіцыйна спынены

Byarezino District Court decided to end Pavel Vinahradau’s preventive supervision on November 2. This is a formal decision because the oppositionists’ term was over on October 24 and he arrived in Minsk the next day, reports.

The court considered the decision to prolong the term on October 9 but decide that there were no reasons for it.


Zmena activist Pavel Vinahradau is one of the people convicted for the events of December 19, 2010. He was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment. Vinahradau was pardoned and released in September 2011. The activist has been detained many times since then. He spent 65 days in jail in 2014.

Vinahradau left Minsk in December 2014 and settled at his father’s in Byarezino due to being constantly watched by the police.