Nyaklyaeu: It's better to take a time-out than to make mistakes

Euroradio: One of the administrators of the group "Revolution through social networks" Viachaslau  Dziyanau addressed to the Belarusian opposition leaders, civil activists and just people who care with an open letter, asking for help and suggesting a dialogue and cooperation. He suggests to "form a council from politicians, analysts, political scientists and famous people". It is still unknown whom exactly he meant by politicians and civil activists. Did you receive any offers in this regard?

Nyaklyaeu: “I don't know which council you are talking about, but I am familiar with the problem which the group faces recently. I wrote them a letter, and offered to think it all over together, to mend the situation. However, I don't think we should create a council, and moreover, to include some politicians or experts into this council, thus creating the creators of these mass actions so that they would be accused of organization of the non-sanctioned events and imprisoned later. These actions are valuable because they seem to have no organizers, and even if there are any, they exist in the virtual reality so they cannot be accused of anything, and the opposition cannot be claimed to have something to do with this."

Euroradio: It turns out, if there is something, it won't be an official council? 

Nyaklyaeu: “I understand it the way I've said, and you have understood me. Maybe someone has another opinion, I don't know. We will discuss it”.

Euroradio: In your opinion, is it worth to revive the silent actions, or to start something new?

Nyaklyaeu: I don't think this format has used its possibilities. It has been bombed, beaten by batons and sticks. This is a different thing. I think it is reasonable to take a time-out now. It is better to take a time-out than to make mistakes. The format of the most recent actions was a mistake. I have some suggestions, and we should decide altogether whether they are correct or not. We should not hurry. People will come to the streets again, this is inevitable”.