Minskers’ consumer spending is Br2 million bigger than in provinces

The income of an average family reached Br10.1 million in January-September 2014, Minsk Statistic Department reports.

At the same time, the average Belarusian family’s income was Br7.8 million a month.

Minskers also spend more than other Belarusians. Their consumer spending totalled 7.7 million a month (Br5.7 million in Belarus).

Almost half of Minsk families (46.6%) can spend over 4 million roubles a month per person. There were only 27.7% of such families in January-September 2013. There are not many poor people in the capital either (families making less than the living wage per person – about Br1.3 million). There are 0.8% of them in Minsk and 3.5% all over Belarus, tut.by reports.

Photo: bymedia.net