Kupchyna: Negotiations with EU are difficult

The negotiations on the visa regime simplification are rather difficult, deputy Foreign Minister Alena Kupchyna claimed. The negotiations are ‘confidential’ and she cannot comment on the details ‘not to hinder the process’, she stressed.

"The visa regime agreement should be based on the principles of equality and nondiscrimination – the same way as the European Union’s agreements with other states are. The main goal of this agreement is the simplification of the visa procedure for Belarusian and EU citizens who are always welcome in our country,” BelaPAN quotes  Kupchyna.

The third round of Belarus-EU negotiations on the visa regime facilitation will be organized in Minsk in January-February 2015. The second round was held in Brussels on November 24-25. The two sides discussed contentious issues there, Alena Kupchyna noted.

Belarus is the only member of the Eastern Partnership whose citizens still pay 60 euro instead of 35 for Schengen visas.

Photo: Fotolia