Iryna Khalip addresses to wives of Putin and Medvedev with an open letter

The open letter of journalist and wife of the Belarusian ex-presidential candidate Andrej Sannikau Iryna Khalip has been published in today's issue of the Russian “Novaya Gazeta”. She turns the attention of Lyudmila Putina and Svyatlana Medvedeva to the fact that the situation with Andrej Sannikau is crucial.

"Belarusian special services are doing their best to turn me into a widow, and our son into an orphan”, Iryna Khalip writes. She asks the wives of the Russian President and PM to convince their husbands to demand release of Sannikau and other political prisoners from Lukashenka.

Let us remind you, Andrej Sannikau was sentenced for "organization of mass disturbances". He got 5 years of imprisonment. He has been imprisoned since December 19 2010 - the day of the presidential election.
