"Freeze Eastern Partnership membership and facilitate EU travel for Belarus

Debates about the situation in Belarus will begin in the European Parliament on January 12. MEPs will talk to opposition members to comprehend the situation in our country. High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union Catherine Ashton will take part in the debates that will start a week later and end with the adoption of a resolution on Belarus. Jacek Protasiewicz, chairman of the Delegation for relations with Belarus, has informed Euroradio about it:

"The European Parliament will only begin the debates about the situation in Belarus and about the conclusions that should be made as regards the Belarusian authorities this week. Sakharov Prize laureates Mr. Alyaksandr Milinkevich and representatives of the Belarusian Association of Journalists have arrived in Brussels today, on January 11. Other opposition representatives like Stanislau Shushkevich, Alyaksandr Kazulin, Andrei Sannikau’s representatives and Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu’s daughter will arrive at the European Parliament on January 12. 

MEPs will begin negotiations with representatives of the Belarusian opposition on January 12 in order to get information about the events in Belarus at first hand. As a result, the first debates with the participation of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Committee for Human Rights and the Belarusian delegation will take place on January 12. Debates at a plenary session will be organized a week later and they will result in the adoption of the resolution. Ms. Ashton will attend the meeting”. 

Euroradio: What sanctions may be included in the resolution that will be adopted next week?

Jacek Protasiewicz: "This is a question that is impossible to answer. It is impossible to take a decision before the debates finish in a democratic parliament; it is only possible after the final voting. Unlike the Belarusian Parliament, the European Parliament is a democratic body and it is impossible to predict what will be included in the resolution.
Personally, I would like three important things to be included in it.

Firstly: Sanctions frozen during the policy dialogue a few years ago should be reimposed on Belarusian officials.

Secondly: EU travel should be facilitated for Belarusian citizens. 

Thirdly: Belarus’ membership in the Eastern Partnership should be frozen.

These are the three issues of top importance as well as the EU authorities’ decision concerning the financial support of the democratic opposition and NGOs.

I will be satisfied if the three points are adopted”.