France leader Hollande declares war on ISIS

Прэзідэнт Францыі аб'явіў вайну "Ісламскай дзяржаве"

French President François Hollande has declared war on the Islamic State. Speaking to the Congress (MPs and senators) on Monday, he urged to eliminate the structures responsible for the terrorists attacks that had killed 129 people in Paris on November 13. Hollande announced the intention to create an international coalition and said that he was going to meet Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin. He urged the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution on the struggle against terrorism as soon as possible.


France is at war."These attacks were war. It was an attack against our values, against our youth and our way of life,” the President reminded.

It is time to change the Constitution, especially the President’s rights in the situation of a direct threat to the security of France, François Hollande believes.  He urged the MPs to prolong the state of emergency form 12 days to three months.


Photo: AFP