Entrepreneurs suggest redenomination in Belarus

Belarusian businessmen are asking the National Bank and government to redenominate the national currency in the near future, head of the Belarusian Union of Entrepreneurs Alyaksandr Kalinin said.

Money is not only for saving, it is used for making payments, Kalinin noted. “We need a normal range of banknotes in our country. The most expensive banknote should be equivalent to at least 100 dollars. It is only 13 dollars now,” tut.by quotes Kalinin. The new banknotes have already been printed in Belarus, he reminded.

Kalinin recalled the National Bank’s statement about redenomination – it can only be done when the inflation rate does not exceed 10%. However, we will soon need to carry money in sacks, the head of the union of entrepreneurs thinks. You can ‘easily remove three zeros from our banknotes’, the expert believes.

Photo: ej.by