Electric buses to enter service in Minsk

На вуліцах Мінска з’явяцца электрабусы

Electric buses will appear on the streets of Minsk. As first deputy chairperson of the economic department at Minsk City Executive Committee Tatsiana Krauchanka told BELTA, Belkamunmash will have manufactured two vehicles by the end of the year that will hits the streets of Belarusian capital as part of a trial.

Electric buses are often called the "21st-century green transport" because they produce no emissions or lowud noise. The electricity-powered vehicles do not require power grids for re-charging. What is required is just a re-charging pole at the final public transport stop, where an electric bus can get a power top-up.

Belarusan electrical buses will be equipped with Chinese supercondensers that proved to operate very well in Bulgaria and China. Re-charging will not take more than 7 minutes.

Two electric buses Model E433 will enter service in early December. 18 more vehicles will hit the streets of Minsk in the first quarter of 2017.