Domracheva to return to Belarus on Lukashenka’s plane today

Alyaksandr Lukashenka ordered officials to get ready last week. He also ordered to bring Belarusian Olympic heroes home on his plane.

A festive welcome has been prepared for three-time Olympic champion and Hero of Belarus Darya Domracheva, Olympic championship Ala Tsuper and Anton Kushnir and bronze medal winner Nadzeya Skardzina. Belarus was #8 in the Olympic medal ranking in Sochi. It is the best result achieved by Belarus national Olympic team at Winter Olympic Games ever since Belarus gained independence.  

Fans, journalists, officials, ceremonial troops and a military orchestra will be waiting for the President’s airplane in Minsk, BELTA reports. The champions will be driven towards the Monument of Victory and lay flowers there.

The heroes of the Olympic Games will be awarded in the Independence Palace, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said earlier.