Budimir: Started going out “to feed” on sunlight and air

Blogger Budimir (Zmitser Halko) has been on hunger strike for 13 days already. Let us remind you that he is on hunger strike to express solidarity with political prisoner Mikita Lihavid and that he demands to cancel his sentence – 3.5 years of imprisonment in top-security colony. Euroradio have interviewed Budimir on air.

Budimir: “I am okay, but if I stay up late as I used to like, I start having certain heart problems. If I go to bed later than I should. However, I stand firm, I have even started going out. “To feed” on sunlight and air”.

Euroradio: Have you decided on the last day of the hunger strike?

Budimir: “Of course, I will try to endure it until Mikita’s sentence is reconsidered. I hope I can influence it”.

Euroradio: Have any officials contacted you?

Budimir: “No, neither the authorities nor the opposition have contacted me. Except for Uladzimir Matskevich”.

Euroradio: How do you think, is it indifference, can it be understood?

Budimir: “I am not a member of any structures or groups. I do not express any views that could be close to some party… probably. That’s why. A blogger… They do not know what a blogger is…”.

Euroradio: What is your relatives’ attitude to your behaviour?

Budimir: “Naturally, they are worried. They do not demand “to stop the folly”, nothing like that. They are supporting me. They understand my demands and share them”.

Euroradio: How many kilos have you lost in the 13 days?

Budimir: “I have never had a balance at home. I have grown “thinner”. It can be seen in the photo”...

Euroradio: Aren’t you worried about your heart problems, have you called the doctor?

Budimir: “It’s not the first time I have had heart problems. I had them in the past. They have even abated. I have not consulted the doctor. Some people even offered their help in finding a doctor and I will do it when I need it”.