Belarusian gold and money reserves fell by another 73.5 million dollars

Gold and currency reserves of Belarus have decreased by another 73.5 million dollars. On March 1, they amounted to 4 billion 651.2 million dollars, BelaPAN reported with reference to the National Statistical Committee. Earlier this year, the gold and currency reserves exceeded $5 billion. Thus, ince the beginning of the year, the currency reserves declined  already by 407.9 million dollars.

Earlier, the government and the National Bank said that in the first half of the year, steps will be taken to increase gold reserves. However, main monetary policy development plans in the fall of 2014 did not include the growth of the reserves. According to an official plan, this year, there is expected zero growth in gold and money reserves of Belarus.

A month ago, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said, at the press conference, that Belarus could turn to Russia for another loan. However, there is no information about such negotiations yet.