Anti-Russia action in Yerevan: dozens arrested

Yerevan police have detained dozens of protesters who came to lit candles in memory of the Avetisyans killed in Gyumri.

Hundreds of people came to the Freedom Square in Yerevan late in the evening, BBC reports. A meeting of solidarity with Gyumri protesters started there. It resulted in clashes with the police. People started throwing stones and other things at policemen, the police say. It led to arrests.

A similar action was held in Gyumri, Armenia’s second largest city. Soldier Valeri Permyakov suspected of killing a family of six including a 2-year-old girl is on the territory on the local Russian military base.

The Avetisyans were killed on Monday. Permyakov pled guilty of this group murder, Reuters refers to the Armenian police.

Protesters demands that Permyakov stands trial in Armenia instead of Russia.